Friday, February 15, 2008

After a wonderful massage last week, Gaby began talking to me of the difficulties of staying present. A few days later she came into my "office" at work (the kitchen) and we picked up the same conversation. It has become my focus for days and now, hours from leaving the house, I am struggling with the idea. So many last minute things have reared up and now the van has a motorcycle tied down inside and an extra stop will have to be made to drop it off. Arrangements for work in April that HAVE to be taken care of now, e-mails to send...Scott and I each have lists that we are checking off as we buzz around the house. I just had to take a minute to sit and write a bit and B-R-E-A-T-H-E!
Scott received an e-mail last night from a business contact in Milan. He had hoped to visit this mans' shop. He read the e-mail to me- "I look forward to your visit. We can have lunch at my little restaurant...". Boy, did my ears perk up! Scott can pick his brain on bikes and I can get into his kitchen!

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